Krakow, Poland, 31 May - 2 June 2023
The pyramids in Egypt were built in ancient times. We still admire them today, appreciating the craftsmanship and hard work of their builders. However, do we build houses from giant stone blocks today? Not likely, current times bring other needs and offer other technologies.
Pyramids of testing were also built some time ago. We admire legacy projects with a rich set of tests, but do we create projects today the same way we did 10-15-20 years ago? If not, why do we still want to test them the same way?
Maybe the shape of today's projects' tests should no longer resemble a pyramid? Our needs are different, and the possibilities, thanks to the Testcontainers family of libraries, have also advanced a lot.
If you have a feeling that integration testing can bring a lot to your project, but somehow you haven't had the chance to get acquainted with Testcontainers so far, or you're afraid that it's just "magic for top developers", this lecture is for you.
We will quickly, easily and pleasantly rearrange the pyramids of our times ;-)
Another (half a) year has passed, another major Java™ version has been released. Java was supposed 'to be slow'. However, Java turns out to evolve so fast, that next releases aren't just version bumps, but might significantly change the rules of the game. That's a good reason to check out what's new in Java. We're going to cover some features of recent Java versions:
Pattern Matching for switch,
Record Patterns,
Virtual Threads,
Calling native stuff,
Simple Web server,
what's gone and what will be gone,
and other stuff.
Before Docker, configuring the environment for integration testing was painful - people were using fake database implementations, mocking servers, usually it was not cross-platform as well. However, than to Docker, now we can quickly prepare the environment for our tests.
In this lab, I would like to show how you can use Testcontainers - a popular testing library that harnesses Docker to easily, reliably, spin up test dependencies.
You’ll go through the process adding powerful integration tests to your codebase (we’ll use a Spring Boot app) without the headache of managing external service dependencies manually. And get acquainted with all necessary Testcontainers concepts to write elegant, efficient, and reliable integration tests.
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ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
+48 691 793 877