Krakow, Poland, 31 May - 2 June 2023

Will Git Be Around Forever? A List of Possible Successors
Tools-in-Action (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room 2
Score 0.18
Score 0.19
Score 0.19
Score 0.20
The match becomes increasingly accurate as the similarity score approaches zero.

Ten years ago, only Linux kernel committers and other early adopters used Git. Almost everyone else used Subversion. Ten years later, Git is the most popular product. Which makes me wonder: what will we use another ten years from now? And what features would YOU want from your version control software in 2033? No history rewrites? Faster? No merge conflicts ever?

In this talk I'll discuss a few post-Git products, including Fossil, Pijul and Sapling, and their support for the features we so dearly desire. I'll also try to predict which one will be 'the top dog' in 2033.

So attend this session if you're excited about the future of version control and if you want to have a shot at beating even (!) the early adopters. Now if it turns out I was right, remember that you heard it here first. 😀

Hanno Embregts
Info Support

Hanno Embregts is a Java Developer with a passion for learning, teaching and making music.

In his day-to-day job as an IT Consultant at Info Support, Hanno prefers work that is fast-paced and versatile. This is why he juggles Java development, software architecture, public speaking, leading Info Support’s Java Community and teaching courses at Info Support’s Knowledge Centre. He is also one of the editors of the Dutch Java Magazine. Outside of work Hanno likes making music with his friends. He plays the flute, the guitar and he likes to sing.

Software conferences are Hanno’s favourite thing in the world, because they allow him to do the three things he loves most at the same time: learning new things, teaching others about stuff he discovered and yes: even making music from time to time!

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ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17


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