Krakow, Poland, 31 May - 2 June 2023
Imagine that you’re receiving a support ticket that your application is not working fine. You read the attached stacktrace and now it’s time to solve the mystery - what did the user do that led to throwing of this exception?
What if the user is complaining that the system is slow? How can you decide which concrete operation is the culprit? Is there any way to visualize the latency?
From the project developer perspective it would be great to instrument your code once to get multiple observability dimensions, is there a way to achieve that?
Let’s answer these questions by taking a deep dive into application observability using distributed tracing, metrics, and correlated logs via Micrometer Observability, Spring Boot 3, OpenZipkin, OpenTelemetry, and more!
The presentation will consist of some theory but there will also be live coding and demos.
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Venue address
ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
+48 691 793 877