Krakow, Poland, 31 May - 2 June 2023
Recent research summarised in the book points to a set of practices that lead to high software development organisation performance. Simultaneously, research from the Santa Fe institute on Complex Adaptive Systems over the last 20 years seems to point to a grand unified theory of organisational design. So have we cracked it? Do we now have the answer to the question: how do we create and scale high performing software and organisations? In this talk, James explores the relationships between team structure, software architecture and the emergent phenomenon of complexity science.
James Lewis is a programmer and Director at ThoughtWorks based in the UK. He’s proud to have been a part of ThoughtWorks’ journey for seventeen years and of its ongoing mission to deliver technical excellence for its clients and in amplifying positive social change for an equitable future. As a member of the ThoughtWorks Technical Advisory Board, the group that creates the Technology Radar, he contributes to industry adoption of open source and other tools, techniques, platforms and languages.
James defined the new Microservices architectural style back in 2014 along with Martin Fowler. James’ primary consulting focus these days is on helping organisations to align Technology Strategy with their organisational structures to improve their ability to get stuff done.
He is an internationally recognised expert on software architecture and design and on its intersection with organisational design and lean product development. As such he’s been a guest editor for IEEE Software, written articles, delivered training and spoken at more conferences than he can remember.
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ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17
+48 691 793 877