“All for one and one for all”. Three Perspectives on Product Development with Scrum

Krakow, Poland, 31 May - 2 June 2023
Talks grouped by Track
All about Getting Stuff Done right, methodologies, best practices, tools, habits, routines, etc.
Automating away bugs with Error Prone in practice
Code Reviews, you said?
Developer Joy – How great teams get s%*t done
Does Site Reliability Engineering make your customer happy?
Early Warning Systems: From the Ringing of Church Bells to Automated Malware Detection
How developers can work with test doubles?
How to build an Ivory Tower? The Experience Report.
How Work Works
Integration tests are needed and simple
Meet Your New BFF: Backend to Frontend without the Duct Tape
Micro Benchmarking - The Art of Realizing One is Wrong
No Trust, No Team
Rethinking integration testing with Testcontainers
Say it works on my machine one more time... I dare you!
Serverless testing is NOT hard
Software Architecture, Team Topologies and Complexity Science
Story of the green chair
Testing untestable - patterns and use cases analysis
The art of investigating problems in software
The Art of Software Development
The C4 model - misconceptions, misuses, and mistakes
The Engineers guide to sustainable IT
The list of talks is not complete yet.
We are in the middle of accepting talks and list will be updated daily.