Krakow, Poland, 31 May - 2 June 2023

Rethinking integration testing with Testcontainers
Hands-on Lab (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room Lab 1
Score 0.09
Score 0.15
Score 0.16
Score 0.17
The match becomes increasingly accurate as the similarity score approaches zero.

Before Docker, configuring the environment for integration testing was painful - people were using fake database implementations, mocking servers, usually it was not cross-platform as well. However, than to Docker, now we can quickly prepare the environment for our tests.

In this lab, I would like to show how you can use Testcontainers - a popular testing library that harnesses Docker to easily, reliably, spin up test dependencies.

You’ll go through the process adding powerful integration tests to your codebase (we’ll use a Spring Boot app) without the headache of managing external service dependencies manually. And get acquainted with all necessary Testcontainers concepts to write elegant, efficient, and reliable integration tests.

Piotr Przybył

Notorious engineer at work and after hours, tracing meanders of the art of software engineering. Remote Software Gardener, mostly working in web-oriented Java gardens. Programming usually in Java (since 1.3) and Scala, but in other languages too. Fan of agility, seen mostly as choosing the right tools and approaches after asking the right questions. Developer, trainer and conference speaker. In his talks, Piotr covers not only hardcore Java but also software architecture, computer security, and soft-skills.

Oleg Šelajev

Oleg Šelajev is a developer advocate at AtomicJar working on making integration tests with Testcontainers better for everyone in the community. VirtualJUG leader. In 2017 became a Java Champion.

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ICE Krakow, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17


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